First-person Model (Forge/Fabric)

First-person Model (Forge/Fabric)


[Bug] FPM/Immersive portals interaction

AlienXtream opened this issue ยท 2 comments


when using "Immersive Portals" mod with FPM, portals with "non conformal" rotation (i.e that "change" the direction you are facing when entered) create an incorectly rendered character model visible in the protal.

in this example i used the immersive protal "rotate y 15" debug stick (found in the "misc" section of the creative menu) to rotate a nether portal 180 degrees. this occurs on both forge and fabric versions of the mod.


UHHHHHHH. Looks like it's placing a visual second player on the other side/the player being on both sides + with different rotations. I'll be quite honest, that sounds like a bug I don't want to touch.


fair enough. its at least documented so if someone else comes across it and are able to they can fix. its not gamebreaking by any stretch, just a bit weird looking. has no affects on gameplay other than edge cases of it obstructing visibility at times (and you'd really need to be not paying attention for that to be a problem). only reason i even noticed it is because another mod is using IP for a Tardis and in that case the exterior can be any cardinal direction (while the interior obviously stays at a fixed orientation). again, very niche edge cases.