[Prominence 2 RPG] Exception ticking world Server Crash
MeowingInsanely opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Our server is currently encountering crashes & it seems to be about a Beehive & the IslehopperVariant
from this mod?
It has been fixed by:
- Removing the most recent region (.mca) loaded by the player mentioned in the error
- Put back the region without saved entities associated with it
We sadly cannot pinpoint which was causing the crash, & how to replicate it.
Though we would apprieciate it if you could kindly show us which & what is happening in the crash log? ^^
Mod version: fish_of_thieves-mc1.20.1-v3.0.2
Modpack: Prominence 2 RPG
Server API:
- Fabric API 0.92
- Fabric Loader: 0.15.11
Possible clash related to Beehives: The Bumblezone (Quilt/Fabric)
From a crash log it seems BeehiveBlockEntity in some mod doesn't have honey_level
state? Could you list the blocks from the mod that has Beehive functionally? I will take a look when I'm home.
There were only regular minecraft:bee_nest
around the area,
Additionally it was in a biome of Autumnal Maple Forest
from Regions Unexplored.
Added here are the files of the regions that we suspect that has the issue:
*Remove the text before each of the r.1.4.mca
is for Folder: .../world/region
is for Folder: .../world/poi
(world-region) r.1.4.mca
is for Folder: .../world/entities