Fish's Undead Rising

Fish's Undead Rising


[Suggestion]Salamander Melee Attack Animation + Particles for Firing

SandwichHorror opened this issue ยท 0 comments


When the salamander does not use its turret attack, it simply bumps into its target by moving forward, inflicting damage. Having a little "bite" animation where the jaw opens and snaps shut, or a "thrash" where the salamander uses its head like a ram, would like be greatly appreciated to visually communicate that the salamander has just made/is making a melee attack.

Additionally, while the salamander's fireballs do have a trail of smoke, the turret itself never produces any particles, making the fireballs look somewhat like they are appearing out of thin air. Having a small burst of "fire" or "smoke" (or both) particles from the end of the turret when each individual fireball is shot out would greatly improve the look of the salamander's ranged attack.