Server Crashes (or does nothing with more mods enabled) when trying to sell/buy claim blocks with Gunpowder
pahanakun opened this issue ยท 2 comments
When I first tried to buy/sell claimblocks with my full mod list, nothing happens. Claimblocks don't increase, and /balance from gunpowder-currency is unchanged.
The issue occurs with multiple buy/sell prices for claim blocks (1, 20, 25 etc)
full modlist:
When disabling all mods except for gunpowder (and currency module), flan, fabric-api and kotlin, the problem gets worse: the server just crashes.
- Minecraft: 1.18.1
- Fabric(API): 0.45.0+1.18
- Fabric loader: 0.12.12
- Flan: 1.18-1.6.6 (also fyi your version format is the reverse of the conventional format other mods use, which list the minecraft version last. just a bit confusing)
- gunpowder-base-
error in server console:
crash report:
Also posting this issue on the gunpowder-currency page