[1.16.5] a bug with a piston and a sticky piston
MrJorman opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Issue (The better the description the better i can solve the issue):
with the help of a piston, I can move blocks on someone else's private, and with the help of a sticky one, I can move them to myself, please correct.
Steps to reproduce:
- create region (private).
- put the piston next to the region and throw blocks nearby and activate it, the blocks will move to the region, and with the sticky piston you can pick up other people's blocks.
Affected Versions (Latest is NOT a version):
- Minecraft: 1.16.5
- Forge: 1.16.5 - 36.2.26
- Flan: flan-1.16.5-1.7.0-forge.jar
Other Mods (If you think it might be cause of an incompability. Adding a link + the used version will help greatly):
No mods.
Logs (Use a site like pastebin, gist etc. DONT COPY PASTE THE LOG IN HERE):
No logs.