[BUG] Flan 1.19.2 Fabric The portal to hell ignores the region.
MrJorman opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Minecraft version
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The player builds a portal in his region where PVP is turned off, and other players in hell on the other side of the portal shoot arrows from a bow or a distributor into the portal, or call dynamite or crystal ender next to the portal and damage passes through the portal from arrows and explosions ignoring the disabled PVP in the region.
Steps to reproduce
The player builds a portal in his region where PVP is turned off, and other players in hell on the other side of the portal shoot arrows from a bow or a distributor into the portal, or call dynamite or crystal ender next to the portal and damage passes through the portal from arrows and explosions ignoring the disabled PVP in the region.
Mods that might affect the issue
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