[Feature Request]: Ability to create claims from server console
bjcosta opened this issue ยท 0 comments
I use a script to setup new fabric servers, and want to automate creating some claims as part of that initial setup process for both admin and some base users. For my use case it would be great to allow a server op to create claims from the server terminal (for themselves, other user etc) instead of having to be logged in as a player in order to execute the commands.
I looked at the wiki commands list:
I propose adding some new optional parameters to the addClaim command:
addClaim <x y z> <x y z> [dimension] [username]
Where username can be a UUID or a username and dimension identifies in which dimension the position is for.
I assume a few of the commands currently use the player context and maybe could have this optional [username] and dimension added to them to allow ops to do things for other players.
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