crash on startup with new flan 1.5.3
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crash on startup with new flan 1.5.3
with 1.4.2 server run normaly
mc: 1.17
api: 0.36.0
flan: 1.5.3
You can temporarily avoid this problem by setting inactivityTimeDays to -1 in the config file. That worked for us at least.
and there's also a problem when you open a book in the lectern in admin claim the server crashes
edit: interaction with any block crashes the server [cartography,fletching,smithing tables]
[Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void net.minecraft.class_2653.(int, int, net.minecraft.class_1799)'
at io.github.flemmli97.flan.event.ItemInteractEvents.updateHeldItem( ~[flan-1.17-1.5.3.jar:?]
at io.github.flemmli97.flan.event.ItemInteractEvents.onItemUseBlock( ~[flan-1.17-1.5.3.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1799.handler$zbe000$blockUse( ~[intermediary-server.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1799.method_7981( ~[intermediary-server.jar:?]