Flan (Forge)

Flan (Forge)


Lag caused by flan checking getClaimAt() in ClaimStorage

Wesley1808 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue (The better the description the better i can solve the issue):

Large lagspikes caused by slow getClaimAt() checks in ClaimStorage.
This is very noticeable when firing a lot of pistons or having flowing water, like flush style mobfarms.

Steps to reproduce:

Have large contraptions with lots of pistons fire at the same time. TPS will drop a lot.

Schermopname (11)

Using Spark I have checked this out a bit and it seems the main problem is that for all checks that require to get the claim location ClaimStorage.getClaimAt() it uses Long2ObjectArrayMap, which seems unnecessary as Flan doesn't store any arrays in it. I have tested it using another implementation that is much faster, for example Long2ObjectOpenHashMap, which still seems to work just fine. Is there any reason for Flan to use Long2ObjectArrayMap that I haven't noticed?

Source: https://github.com/austinv11/Long-Map-Benchmarks

The other thing you can easily optimize is by removing this.claims.containsKey() and replacing it with a null check after using this.claims.get().

get() and containsKey() essentially do the exact same thing, except one returns a boolean if it exists, and the other returns the value.

Affected Versions (Latest is NOT a version):

  • Minecraft: 1.17.1
  • Fabric(API): 0.37.1
  • Flan: 1.5.3 - 1.17 (But in the newest commits this code is no different).

idk why i used Long2ObjectArrayMap. gonna change it