Flan's Mod: Legacy

Flan's Mod: Legacy


Light levels don't affect scope brightness

ChrisLane opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Please have light levels affect the brightness of the scopes. I don't want sights that appear to be as bright as day inside a cave!


I'm not really understanding what this issue is meaning @jamioflan
I just tested a Lee Enfield sniper scoped in while in a dark cave and it looked just as dark as it did unscoped.


Duh, because it's all black. :P

Here's a proper example:

Daylight (perfectly fine):
2013-03-22_10 44 50

Cave light (not quite fine):
2013-03-22_10 46 22


Ah right I understand now, I assumed you meant with snipers that the zoomed area is bright.


I updated to the newest version, and I'd like to ask, how was this fixed? I'm testing out my iron sights right now, and they are all black!

2013-07-04_14 45 16

Was this intentional?


Actually, I tried this on another computer, and the iron sights look normal. Maybe it's a hardware issue for me...


Today I found out that this issue only applies to clients running on Fancy graphics. I turned on Fancy graphics for a screenshot and the iron sights darkened a lot again.

EDIT: I just turned off Fancy graphics and the iron sights are still broken.


Did you try testing without any other mods installed? I notice you have a minimap installed, can't test myself since I'm away.


I'll test it right now.


Ok, with Minecraft Forge and Flan's Mod installed, the iron sights are still black.