Flan's Mod: Legacy

Flan's Mod: Legacy



Kirby859 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


(has this been posted?)

Paratrooping maps are cool. Falling 200 meters to then land on hard dirt is not cool. Falling 200 meters to then land on hard dirt after deploying a parachute is cool. The fact that I cannot perform the third sentence is not cool.

I'll just suggest a field for chest armor. I'll call it "Parachute." If "Parachute" is true, then when the player equips the parachute (with armor), he/she can deploy it with a configurable button. The parachute should negate fall damage.

Another field should be "ParachuteTexture." Sometimes, one texture for a parachute is not acceptable. Some packs have very old parachutes (~WWII), and others have modern parachutes. The parachute texture should go into the skins folder.

I suggested the Parachute field to be in the chest armor because a whole team would come with them preequipped with parachutes when the players spawn.

EDIT: Here's an example:

Name Fallschirmjaeger Abteilung Jacket
ShortName kefall2
ItemID 26662
Icon kefall2
Color 255 255 255
Type Chest
Defence 0
ArmourTexture kege2
Parachute True
ParachuteTexture kege2parachute

In the skins folder, there should be a .png file called kege2parachute.png. This will have the parachute texture.


Also, add ParachuteUses. If I only want the parachute to be deployed once, I should be able to set that.

Parachute True
ParachuteTexture kege2parachute
ParachuteUses 1


Well I don't think Flan needs to make an extra parachute. I already have a good parachute mod, created by crackedEgg. Check it out here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/585469-152forge-crackedeggs-mods-reptiles-parachute-walkingdead/


I think it would be good to have a parachute in flans mod considering the planes are a main feature of the mod.


I personally don't want to have to install a bunch of mods to have basic features that make sense. That's a cool mod, though.

