Flan's Mod: Legacy

Flan's Mod: Legacy


Shell Firing

Minecraft-SMP opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I finished the code for the shell firing. Works fine so far, the shell is generated at the end of the barrel and flies correctly to the target.

Well, it works till i set the limits of the turret yaw to max/min 180, then the same error as in the original code from flan.
Seems there is a bug in the EntetyBullet Code. I already had a look into the code but haven't found the right spot. Some advise where to look would be good.


Original flan issue = #100


Well, no. I currently rewriting it. But i need a hint where to find the part that is responsible for the bullets direction generation


What exactly was this issue? Was it the orientation of the bullets as they left the gun? Because I believe that one is fixed