Flan's Mod: Legacy

Flan's Mod: Legacy


Realism Txt File Changes for Planes

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I am sorry if I did not post in the correct location, if I seem more demanding than suggestive, or if my suggestion isn't in a proper format. I am unfamiliar with GitHub. This is mainly a list of small changes to the default txt files for Flan's planes that would add realism and balance.

The Zero should have it's primary shoot points moved to the wings, where the barrels are. It's drag and MaxThrottle settings are also very odd (At 3.1 and 12, respectively), making it much more sluggish than it should be. I suggest changing the drag to 1.0 and changing the MaxThrottle to 4.

I suggest adding 2 more wing-mounted Brownings to the Spitfire, bringing the total up to 4. (Due to shortages, Spitfires originally had 4 but were outfitted with 8 guns later on.) It's MaxThrottle should also be increased from 2.5 to 3.5.

I suggest moving the shoot points on the Mustang to the wings, and adding 4 more wing-mounted Brownings, bringing the total up to 6.

It is very odd that the Zero has slightly more health than the Mustang, Spitfire, and BF-109. The Zero was historically one of the more fragile planes, bursting into flames when fired upon due to its lack of armor and self-sealing fuel tanks. I suggest modifying the health values accordingly by lowering the Zero's health and raising the other 3 mentioned planes' healths.

In real life, the Sopwith Camel and the Fokker had roughly the same maximum speeds, but in Flans the Camel is painfully slow while the Fokker is extremely fast. Please change the MaxThrottle and Drag to be about the same, maybe keeping the Fokker only slightly faster.

All modern jets are currently set at MaxThrottle 8 and all of the yaw, pitch, and rotate settings are set at 4. Not only is it boring to have them all the same speed, it is extremely unrealistic to be able to turn on a dime at half-throttle. I suggest reducing the yaw, pitch, and rotate settings to 3. The Su-25 should have a Maxthrottle of 6; The F22, a MaxThrottle of 7.5; and the Tornado, a MaxThrottle of 8 (Roughly based on their real-life speeds).

Since the F22 is build for stealth, it typically doesn't have wing pylons. I suggest moving the shoot point(s) to about one block underneath the center of the fuselage, as munitions are stored inside the fuselage in the real-world plane. It's gun is also placed wrong in-game. The real-world plane has it's gun placed above the fuselage, to the right and behind the cockpit (It's hidden when not in use to reduce radar signature).


Oh, I can provide somewhat of an explanation:

Have you noticed that the yak-9 and zero have suspiciously high-polygon models when compared to the spitty, bf, and mustang? Well that's because I made them. When I sent the models, I also sent new configs to use as reference for hitboxes and shoot positions. However, I secretly added other improvements to the config and re-balanced the health. The zero is fragile when compared to the other plane that I configed, the yak-9, with a tanky 350 core. However, my config health-buffing did not grace the other 3 planes, that is why the zero is bulkier than them. If I would have my way, the other 3 would be way healthier. Also, the zero's wing guns are supposed to be cannons, but there are no plane auto cannons in the ww2 pack. The zero did have two small machine guns in the nose which is exactly why I decided to put the two type 99's in there.