Flan's Mod: Legacy

Flan's Mod: Legacy


List of 1.8 (multiplayer) bugs

blooditor opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Here are some bugs we found out on "testing.flansmod.de":
version Flan's Mod 1.8 from 28.06.15

1.) The Him-23 doesn't move
2.)Planes don't break even though they are badly damaged (crashing them, the health of some parts go under 0 % and core mostly stays over 90 %)
3.) The A-91 second skin is a bugged FN Scar skin
4.) The lancaster model ist glitched
5.) The particles when breaking the vehicle crafting table or gun mod. table are glitched6
6.) Chopper rockets make no block damage
7.) The Sentry Gun is floating
8.) Napalm and normal bombs make no block damage
9.) Molotov coctails don't work
10.) explosive ammo (Barret, Minigun) and incendiary ammo make no block damage
11.) Flamethrower: Buggy while moving forward, places no fire, makes no entity damage
12.) When you are running forward and shooting a gun that makes a smoke trail you're getting glitched/a slower
13.) If the co pilot of a chopper/jeep/... is shooting his gun (e.g minigun in Cobra) the ammo gets refilled automatically

Will test it out more soon. But thanks for that great job ;)
