Everything you see there is not from me, https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/flans-mod-ultimate-1-12-2
I have only fix a few bugs:
- Explosion hit vehicle crash
- Shoot at player on server crash
- When a vehicle explode the player in it will explode too
- When a player shoot with explosive bullet, they now see a hitmarker if they hit something
- Particle are now avaible for shells and rockets
- Primary / Second Weapon spam chat message removed
- New Particle on Vehicle destroy
- Now When you are deeper than the height of your vehicle, the HP of your core will go down 1 by 1 very quickly, reaching 40 HP your vehicle will not be able to advance any further, and when it reaches 0 it will just explode (with new particle)
- Now you can't shoot while sprinting
- Fixed bug when you enter a vehicle and the game decide to kick you from it while pressing the inventory vehicle key
- Delay when you change weapon
- Passenger can't access to vehicle menu now
- Fixed duplicate empty passenger gun slot
- View Bobbing on aim false
- Rendering of Rocket launcher while sprinting fixed
- Custom Armor sneak Fixed
- KeyInput and MouseInput while driving fixed
for the moment, if you are victim of a bug do an issue the original creator doesnt seem to be alive so i just keep the projet up
Important, im not a java developper, im just a server creator, sorry if i cant fix everything you want
=================ADVANCEMENT FROM OTHER DEVS=======================
Unofficial attempt to update Flan's Mod Ultimate Stability Edition to 1.12.2.
Project is still WIP so errors and bugs may be present.
Please don't redistribute any code without permission. (sorry i guess)
To use a content pack designed for Flan's Mod 1.7.10 or Flan's Mod Ultimate 1.7.10 like Warfare 44, decompress the JAR/ZIP file of the pack in the "Flan" folder
You should then be able to see the assets folder of the pack with the following path: /.minecraft/Flan/[Content Pack's Name]/assets
Below a list of modified packages and classes in comparison to Flan's Mod 1.12.2
flansmod.api (package finished)
- IEntityBullet (done)
- IEntityHit (done)
- IInfoType (done)
flansmod.apocalypse.client.model (package modified due change in dependencies)
- RenderSkullDrone (done)
flansmod.apocalypse.common.entity (package modified - bug fix)
- FlansModLootGenerator (done - bug fix)
flansmod.apocalypse.common.entity (package modified due change in dependencies)
- EntitySkullDrone (done)
flansmod.client (package WIP)
- AimType (done)
- FlansCrash (done)
- FlansModClient (done)
- FlanMouseButton (done)
flansmod.client.debug (package finished - no changes)
flansmod.client.gui (package finished)
- GuiDriveableCrafting (done)
- GuiDriveableInventory (done)
- GuiDriveableMenu (done)
- GuiDriveableRepair (done)
- GuiPaintjobTable (done)
- GuiGunModTable (done)
- GuiModOptions (WIP: commented code of buttons)
flansmod.client.gui.config (package finished - no changes)
flansmod.client.handlers (package WIP)
- FlansModRessourceHandler (done)
- KeyInputHandlers (WIP)
flansmod.client.model.animation (package added - did not exist)
- AnimationController (done)
- AnimationPart (done)
- AnimationPose (done)
- PoseComponent (done)
flansmod.client.model (package WIP - almost finished)
- EnumAnimationType (done)
- GunAnimations (done)
- ModelAttachment (done)
- ModelBullet (done)
- ModelCasing (done)
- ModelDriveable (done - nothing changed)
- ModelFlash (done)
- ModelGun (done)
- ModelMecha (done)
- ModelPlane (can be considered done)
- ModelVehicle (WIP: Problem with IModelCustom and AdvancedModelLoader)
- RenderAAGun (done)
- RenderArms (done)
- RenderBullet (done)
- RenderGrenade (done)
- RenderGun (done)
- RenderMecha (done)
- RenderMG (done)
- RenderNull (done)
- RenderParachute (done)
- RenderPlane (can be considered done)
- RenderVehicle (can be considered done)
flansmod.client.particle (package added - did not exist)
- Everything (done)
flansmod.client.tmt (package finished)
- Bone (done)
- ModelRendererTurbo (done)
flansmod.common (package WIP)
- CraftingInstance (done)
- FlansMod (done)
- FlansModExplosion (doExplosionA method unfinished)
- PlayerHandler (WIP)
- RotatedAxes (done)
flansmod.common.driveables (package WIP - almost finished)
- CollisionBox (done)
- ContainerDriveableInventory (done)
- DriveableData (done)
- DriveablePart (done)
- DriveableType (done)
- EntityDriveable (done)
- EntityPlane (can be considered done)
- EntitySeat (not everything implemented but can be considered done)
- EntityVehicle (done)
- EntityWheel (done)
- EnumDriveablePart (done)
- EnumPlaneMode (done)
- FlightController (done)
- ItemPlane (done)
- ItemVehicle (done)
- PlaneType (done)
- Seat (done - no changes)
- ShootPoint (done - no changes)
- SlotDriveableAmmunition (done)
- VehicleType (done)
flansmod.common.driveables.collisions (package finished - no changes)
flansmod.common.driveables.mechas (package finished)
- ContainerMechaInventory (done)
- EntityMecha (done)
- ItemMecha (done)
- ItemMechaAddon (done)
- MechaItemType (done - no changes)
- MechaType (done)
- SlotMechaInventory (done)
flansmod.common.eventhandlers (package WIP - almost finished)
- BulletHitEvent (done)
- DriveableDeathByHandEvent (done)
- GunFiredEvent (done)
- PlayerLoginEventListener (done)
- ServerTickEvent (WIP)
flansmod.common.guns (package WIP - almost finished)
- AAGunType (done)
- AttachmentType (done)
- BulletType (done)
- ContainerGunModTable
- EntityAAGun (done)
- EntityBullet (WIP)
- EntityDamageSourceFlan (done)
- EntityGrenade (done)
- EntityMG (done)
- EntityShootable (done)
- EnumAttachmentType (done)
- GrenadeType (done)
- GunType (WIP: duplicate methods with different arguments)
- ItemBullet (WIP)
- ItemGun (WIP)
- ItemShootable (done)
- Paintjob (done)
- ShootableType (done)
flansmod.common.guns.boxes (package WIP)
- GunBoxType(WIP - added method isAmmoNullOrEmpty)
flansmod.common.guns.raytracing (package WIP - almost finished)
- PlayerHitbox (WIP: method hitByBullet)
- PlayerSnapshot (done)
- FlansModRaytracer (done - modified according to changes in dependencies)
flansmod.common.network (package WIP)
- PacketDriveableControl (done)
- PacketDriveableDamage (done)
- PacketExplosion (done)
- PacketFlashBang (done)
- PacketGiveItem (WIP: wrong method and should not use ids)
- PacketGunAnimation (WIP)
- PacketGunFire (done)
- PacketGunMode (done)
- PacketGunRecoil (done)
- PacketGunSpread (done)
- PacketGunState (WIP)
- PacketHandler (done)
- PacketHashSend (WIP: update code)
- PacketHitMarker (done)
- PacketImpactPoint (done)
- PacketKillMessage (done)
- PacketMechaControl (done)
- PacketModConfig (done)
- PacketMuzzleFlash (done)
- PacketParticle (done)
- PacketPlaneAnimator (done)
- PacketPlaneControl (done)
- PacketPlaySound (done)
- PacketReload (WIP: handleServerSide)
- PacketRequestDebug (done)
- PacketSeatCheck (done)
- PacketSeatUpdates (done)
- PacketTeamInfo (done)
flansmod.common.parts (package finished)
- ItemPart (done)
- PartType (done)
flansmod.common.sync (package finished)
- Sync (done)
- SyncEventHandler (done)
flansmod.common.teams (package WIP)
- ArmourBoxType (done)
- ArmourType (done)
- BlockArmourBox (done)
- CommandTeams (WIP)
- EntityGunItem (WIP: additional argument of a method)
- GameType (done)
- GametypeCTF (done)
- GametypeDM (done)
- GametypeTDM (done)
- GametypeZombies (done)
- ItemArmour (WIP)
- PlayerClass (done)
- PlayerStats (done)
- Team (done)
- TeamManager (done)
- TileEntitySpawner (done)
flansmod.common.tools (package finished)
- EntityParachute (done)
- ItemTool (done)
- ToolType (done)
flansmod.common.types (package finished)
- EnumType (done - nothing changed)
- InfoType (done)
- IGunboxDescriptionable (done)
- TypeFile (done)
flansmod.common.util (package finished)
- MathUtils (done)
- PlayerItemPositionUtils (done)
flansmod.common.vector (package finished)
- Quaternion (done)
- Vector (done)
- Vector3f (done)