Incompatibility with Create: Big Cannons
Sokya88 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
It says Big Cannons need version 6.9 of Flywheel, yet I see only 6.8 as the latest version of flywheel. If this is just me being an idiot, and you know how to fix this, please tell me, but if it's a coding issue, then this issue still stands.
It is Big Cannon's responsibility to update to new versions of Flywheel. However, Flywheel 0.6.9 does not exist yet, so if Big Cannons really does require a version of Flywheel that does not exist, they need to fix that.
there is no 6.9 version of flywheel only 6.8 and you need 6.9 to play create big cannons so currently I cant play create big cannons this needs to be fixed please.