Flywheel (Legacy)

Flywheel (Legacy)


Transparent Blocks in Minecarts Don’t Have Transparency

MikulDev opened this issue · 1 comments


Describe the Bug

Any transparent display block put in a minecart will show black instead of transparency. This only occurs with a mod using Flywheel installed.

Reproduction Steps

1.Summon a minecart with:
/summon minecraft:minecart ~ ~ ~ {CustomDisplayTile:1b,DisplayState:{Name:"minecraft:glass"},DisplayOffset:6}

Expected Result

The block displayed in the minecart should have transparency.

Screenshots and Videos


Operating System

Arch Linux (x86_64 Linux 6.3.8-arch1-1)

What is your GPU?

AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Loader Version

Forge 43.2.14

Additional Context

This may not be the affected version. I'm not sure which one it is, due to Flywheel now being rolled into the Create jar.


It seems like the issue stems from here (line 145 in the getContents() method of MinecartInstance). MaterialManager#defaultSolid() is always used, rather than the appropriate MaterialGroup for the block.