Forbidden and Arcanus

Forbidden and Arcanus


indestructible enchant no implement with apotheosis

ComeBelin opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Good evening,
I come to report a problem I have with apotheosis. I desperately try to put the indestructible forbidden arcanus enchanted book but whatever I do it does not want to be created. on the other hand the permafrost enchantment is well implemented. I have already contacted the creators of apotheosis. I just come to keep informed.
minecraft version 1.18.2
apotheosis version 1.16.5-4.8.99F
forbidden arcanus version 1.18.2-2.0.0


Your issue is that you can't get an enchanted book with Indestructible? That's intended as the Eternal modifier is no longer an actual enchantment and instead a completely custom system.