Forbidden and Arcanus

Forbidden and Arcanus


Quantum Catcher Blaclist

norfaremc opened this issue ยท 2 comments


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Please make a config feature so we can add our own mob blacklist. Right now there's a few mobs from other mods that cause crashes when you try to place catch them in a quantum catcher. Rather than having you do all this work, it would be easiest I think for all, especially server owners and modpack devs to just create their own blacklist, rather than you creating compatibility for every mod out there. Right now we know for sure that some Alex's Mobs crash the game as well as Human Companions. :)


Why need a config if there's already a tag that does exactly that? Simply add the crashing entities to data/forbidden_arcanus/tags/entity_types/quantum_catcher_blacklisted.json and you will no longer be able to catch them.


Oh I apologize, I never thought of that or knew about that. Thank you!! :)