Forbidden and Arcanus

Forbidden and Arcanus


Duplication with SophisticatedBackpacks

Wyrrrd opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the bug
When using a sophisticated backpack with feeder upgrade and putting an edelwood bucket with bat soup in it, the soup is not drained on feeding, but a new empty edelwood bucket is generated inside the backpack.

Expected behavior
If the bucket is not emptied, there should be no new bucket appearing.


  • Forbidden & Arcanus: 2.2.4
  • Valhelsia Core: 1.1.1
  • SophisticatedBackpacks:
  • Forge: 47.2.20

Additional context
Unsure if this happens with other soups. I remember a shroom stew working as expected, but this might have been on an older version of either involved mod. Also unsure, if the error lies in F&A, tell me to open an issue for SB if I am wrong :)