Forbidden and Arcanus

Forbidden and Arcanus


Eternal Stella Upgraded Tools Break After Single Use by Create Deployers in 1.20.1

Rodrigo816 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
Items upgraded with the Eternal Stella break after a single use when used by deployers from create mod (e.g., knives, shears, pickaxes, axes) on a cutting board from farmer's delight. This behavior is unexpected.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Upgrade a tool (knife, shears, pickaxe, axe) with the Eternal Stella.
Set up a deployer to use the upgraded tool on a cutting board. (Farmer's Delight)
Activate the deployer to use the tool.
Notice that the tool breaks after a single use.

Expected behavior
Tools upgraded with the Eternal Stella should not break after being used by deployers. The expected behavior is for these tools to maintain their durability as they did in Minecraft version 1.18.2, allowing for multiple uses without breaking.

Forbidden & Arcanus: 2.2.5
Valhelsia Core: 1.1.1
Forge: 47.2.20
Minecraft: 1.20.1


if you add nbt {Unbreakable:1} is fixed the problem