Forbidden and Arcanus

Forbidden and Arcanus


[1.16.1] Won't load on latest version of Forge

Gbergz opened this issue ยท 4 comments



Minecraft: 1.16.1
Forge: 32.0.97
Mod Version: 1.0-beta-2



- Gbergz


Same, this keeps happening to me, too.


Forge has yet again made breaking changes, which caused several mods to no longer work. So probably either play with older forge if possible, or disable this mod.


Hi @stal111,

I tried looking into this issue with the latest Forge version (.98) but the code in the 1.16 branch doesn't compile after cloning the repo.

However I did decompile the Main.class file in the beta2 JAR, the line that causes the error found in this issue is here

public Main() {

This registers the serverAboutToStart method to the mod event bus, which is incorrect as FMLServerAboutToStartEvent doesn't implement the IModBusEvent interface hence the error in this issue's crash report.

Removing this line of code with a Java decompiler let the mod boot up in my Forge 32.0.98 installation.

While I can't test/verify that this method is still called when the server boots up (no debugger), it should continue to work as MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); is called which will find all @SubscribeEvent methods and register them to the Forge event bus where this event actually fires (Forge source here)

Hope this helps.


Thanks for looking into it :) The serverAboutToStart method could be completly removed as it is no longer needed (Forge added a AddReloadListenerEvent), but I dont think that was the problem as it always worked that way. The real problem I saw when updating was that Forge removed some methods like isBeaconBase() or isBeaconPayment() as they're now handled through tags.