Crystal Scribing Tools cannot be craft due to missing vis cost
ewsmith opened this issue ยท 1 comments
The crystal scribing tools can't be craft because the recipe calls for absolutely nada from your wand.
src/main/java/fox/spiteful/forbidden/"Crystalwell", ThaumcraftApi.addShapelessArcaneCraftingRecipe("CRYSTALWELL", new ItemStack(ForbiddenItems.crystalwell, 1, 0), (new AspectList()), new Object[] { new ItemStack(ConfigItems.itemInkwell, 1, 32767), "dyeBlack", new ItemStack(ConfigItems.itemShard, 1, 32767), new ItemStack(ConfigItems.itemShard, 1, 32767) }));
the (new AspectList())
has no aspects tied to it.