[Bug]1x and 2x Fertility alleles are not correctly set to dominant
ccpemily opened this issue ยท 2 comments
As title said, 1x Fertility and 2x Fertility should be dominant alleles(I have viewed the registry code, seems they are registered as dominant, but actually not), thus would appear in left row on alyzer gui and show as red, but I got a forest bee with 3x active and 2x inactive, they all showed as blue font.
Other chromosomes seems not having the same issue(I have tested Species and Effect).
From this shortcut, the Lifespan alleles (Shorter should be dominant, but showed as not dominant with blue font) and Pollination alleles is not correct too (Pollination 5% should be dominant and active, while 10% is inactive, but in this picture, 5% is displayed on right side with blue font)
Aha, I've found it: