Forgero - [Fabric]

Forgero - [Fabric]


[Error] No data fixer registered for soul_entity

Kiryonn opened this issue ยท 3 comments

[04/11/2023 15:40:29 PM] [Render thread/ERROR] No data fixer registered for forgero:soul_entity

When loading Minecraft, i saw a redline in ATLauncher console. It doesn't prevent me from using the mod, i'm new to it so idk if it's an important feature or not. I don't know how it impact the gameplay either. I'll let you decide.

Minecraft 1.20.2
Loader Fabric
Loader version 0.14.24
Forgero 0.11.5

This is a result of me being extremely lazy, sorry about that. It won't affect anything, but mc rightfully warns about entities not having a data fixer, as it can lead to troubles with serializing entities. This won't be a problem as the soul entity is currently not available in any version of the mod outside experimental use.


But it causes an ugly error message, so I should get that fixed.


That was a fast answer ๐Ÿ‘€. Thanks for the trouble.