From the Ground Up

From the Ground Up


Some problems in researching ideas

Rinma opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Ok, i have the parchment for carpentry research and the only thing i don't get is the middle block/item on the researcher. It says "block chopper" so i think it is an axe. I had a look at the java code and as it looks for me the block/item that is missing is an axe. The problem is i can first build an axe after i researched carpentry.

I use Minecraft 1.11.2 and FTGU-1.11.2-b1.1.6
bildschirmfoto von 2017-06-17 20-38-09
bildschirmfoto von 2017-06-17 20-38-13


Also on stoneworking i have a "?" on all nine fields but as i get it it should only be on the tree fields on the top and the two in the middle. The other fields show now text but a resource string that has no value.

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bildschirmfoto von 2017-06-17 20-37-43
bildschirmfoto von 2017-06-17 20-37-37

  1. Stoneworking unlocks the stone axe, which you can use for the carpentry research
  2. That second thing is a bug...

I am also experiencing the second bug.


fixed in 1.1.7