From the Ground Up

From the Ground Up


Problems in research dyes (with Primitive Tools Mod) and brickwork

ignatferum opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Brickwork: A clay block is needed to successfully complete the puzzle. However, the creation of a clay block is available only after research brickwork. In this case, the clay block can be mined only with a tool with a silk touch, after research enchantment.

Dyes: The problem appears only in the presence of Primitive Tools Mod. This mod replaces craft arrows, and it no longer uses flint, fragments of flint are used instead. Because of this, it is not possible to solve the puzzle.


Or maybe you can add support for Primitive Tools mod? This mod is a good complement to the FTGU mod, why not?


Hmm, I suppose I can include their recipes in the matching puzzle


Thanks! :D


And yet, is it normal that the icon's of enhancement and ender knowledge researches is displayed only after research them?


The dye problem is (as you said yourself) caused by the Primitive Tools Mod. The default tech tree of FTGU is designed for vanilla.

The brickwork problem however is caused by FTGU and needs to be fixed.


Now I understand the conditions for the emergence of these technologies)