Not working in Tinkers Construct 1.10.2
DRTR0 opened this issue ยท 10 comments
Your mod is not working with Tinkers Construct in 1.10.2. Tinkers supports ore gen from other mods, but I don't see tin, copper, aluminum, etc. being enabled in the mod. I should have tested first. Had a few stacks of tin and copper to make bronze and realized I couldn't do anything with it. :/
Take a look at the code in modernmetals, specifically the Tinkers Plugin code, most of the common metals should just register, but there's a few Tinkers doesn't know about so you have to make a fluid and send an IMC for them at minimum, I also register a fluid block too but that's so it can be used without tinkers.
If you need a hand, just let me know.
Thanks for the tip!
I can confirm that all metal ores (even copper and tin) are not working in the TCon smeltery in both 1.9.4 and 1.10.2. Except that copper seems to work in 1.10.2... Strange. I'll give registering the fluids a shot.
Might be worth looking into simplifying your code, copper should work in all versions of tinkers as Tcon already provides the fluid, same with tin, brass, nickel, zinc & others:
Moving oredict registration to preInit seems to fix everything except platinum, aluminium (because of the spelling, I assume), and titanium. So I'll just need to add fluids for those three, correct?
Why am I not surprised... My ores are in the ore dictionary, so they should work. Although I rarely use TCon, so there may be something I'm missing. If it's something I can fix, it will be fixed by sometime tomorrow, probably.
You mean like:
Didn't expect such a fast response. Like 90% of modders don't even seem to read these. Thanks. :)
I try, at least :). Tonight I'll release a new build of Silent Lib that will fix most of the ores. I'll try to get the other three (platinum, aluminium, titanium) fixed tomorrow or the next day. I've never done fluids before, so... hopefully I don't make too big of a mess of the code.
Thank you, it works now. :)
Also a suggestion (if you want me to make another post I can) is to add in the config if you want the plates, gears, etc. enabled or disabled. I don't really use them and don't feel like disabling them all with CraftTweaker before I host a server for friends/family. Just laziness. :p I guess I could just hide them in JEI.