Crash using FunOres-1.11.x-1.5.2b-106
drakray opened this issue ยท 5 comments
net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Fun Ores (funores)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/silentchaos512/funores/block/machine/BlockMetalFurnace
Minecraft 1.11.2
Forge 2255
list of mods in file
UCE on JEI and JER too, if that may help
EDIT: -104 load without crash
I'm receiving the same error on the same version of FunOres.
Minecraft 1.11.2
Forge 2255
A long list of mods, though JEI also erred for me when dealing with some FunOres machines while the game was loading. Anyway, if a second crash report helps the trouble-shooting, here it is.
Still not sure why this is crashing. I can't get it to happen. But I've got a theory and I'm uploading a new build now. Let me know whether it fixes the problem or not.