Function API

Function API


/fill and /setblock not triggering a place event

Nathan22211 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the bug
/fill and /setblock aren't triggering their receptive tags for the place event

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. make a tag for a block. I did "extrapieces:block_breaker_stairs since I was doing something with that
  2. set a function for it to activate.
  3. run a setblock or fill command with the block tagged as the block to be placed

Expected behavior Optional
the tags should trigger at every block from those 2 commands. in my case I'd see 1024 custom model armor stands after executing it"

Screenshots Optional
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Version of the (please complete the following information):

  • Mod. function API 1.1.1
  • Fabric API 0.3.3 build.234
  • Minecraft 1.14.4

Additional context Optional
Add any other context about the problem here.


I added an event called block/name/set It will run when a command places the block. If it's the same function that you run when you place it by hand, then hook it up to both.

I'm not sure about triggering a place when a command does this. I don't want any uncertainties coming from a situation when there is no player around to provide rotation and things like that.


Internal mc things.

it is uploaded now, close the issue if it fixes it.


Simply setting the block is usually not enough to trigger that, specific event. I reserve place for when the block is placed normally.

I can give you an event that is running when the block is just set, without being placed.


i'm not familiar with the changes you did in terms of the event command so that might help