Future MC

Future MC


[1.12.2] CRT OreDict cannot find item

joe-vettek opened this issue · 23 comments


When I use oredict to modify the composter, it cannot match the leaf saplings of the forestry mod, nor can it match the item of the foodfunk mod. Only IItemStack works, but this is too much trouble. .


Could you send an example CraftTweaker script for what you want to be able to accomplish?


@joe-vettek oh it seems like I made a typo LOL whoops - I put Composer instead of Composter, which is why

I edited my original post to fix it




Only the method I said before is effective. Some mod items need to specify ID and metadata to add. It is currently known that Forestry and Food Funk need to do this.


mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(<ore:treeLeaves>, 30); mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(<ore:treeSapling>, 30);

The above is my code, in fact this doesn't work.


When using CRT's native function to modify the recipe, OreDict can match these items (such as plankWood can match forestry plankwood). So I think the problem may lie with you.


Thank you. At the same time, thank you very much for your work so that we can use these things in 1.12.2.


By the way, it seems that remove can only fill in itemstack manually, not oredict. But if it is too much trouble, forget it.Also It is easy to produce multiple probabilities when using oredict.


There is a weird thing here. If I set the probability to 30, it is displayed as 4 in jei. I don't know why.


I'll look at it this weekend


in the meantime, you can do something like this:

for item in <ore:treeLeaves>.items {
  mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(item, 30);

but this is by no means a permanent solution


I just tried it again. When I set the probability to 35, it is displayed as 32 in jei. If it is 65, it is displayed as 64. The previous setting is 30 and it is displayed as 4.I cna't understand why.


val forestryLeaves = <forestry:leaves.decorative.1>.definition; for i in 0 to 15 { mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(forestryLeaves.makeStack(i), 35); }
The method mentioned above seems to be useless, it will report an error and can only be added with metadata.


what error


A bunch of numbers will come out, I don’t know what it means.


you have to upload your crafttweaker.log


I'll try, because I can't find my script.


//// mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(IItemStack item, int chance);

//mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(foodfunk:rotten_food:0, 100);
//mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(foodfunk:biodegradable_item:0, 100);

//mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(sakura:foodset, 85);

mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:fruitForestry, 65);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(forestry:sapling:0, 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(botany:itemflower:0, 65);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(forestry:leaves.decorative.2:0, 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(forestry:leaves.decorative.2:1, 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(forestry:leaves.decorative.2:2, 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(extratrees:leaves.decorative.6:0, 35);

val botanyPlant = botany:plant.definition;
for i in 0 to 4 {
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(botanyPlant.makeStack(i), 35);}

val extratreesFood = extratrees:food.definition;
for i in 0 to 59 {
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(extratreesFood.makeStack(i), 65);}

val forestryLeaves = forestry:leaves.decorative.1.definition;
val extratreesLeaves0 = extratrees:leaves.decorative.0.definition;
val extratreesLeaves1 = extratrees:leaves.decorative.1.definition;
val extratreesLeaves2 = extratrees:leaves.decorative.2.definition;
val extratreesLeaves3 = extratrees:leaves.decorative.3.definition;
val extratreesLeaves4 = extratrees:leaves.decorative.4.definition;
val extratreesLeaves5 = extratrees:leaves.decorative.5.definition;
for i in 0 to 15 {
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(forestryLeaves.makeStack(i), 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(extratreesLeaves0.makeStack(i), 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(extratreesLeaves1.makeStack(i), 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(extratreesLeaves2.makeStack(i), 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(extratreesLeaves3.makeStack(i), 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(extratreesLeaves4.makeStack(i), 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(extratreesLeaves5.makeStack(i), 35);




mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:listAllveggie, 65);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:listAllfruit, 65);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:listAllSeed, 65);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:treeLeaves, 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:treeSapling, 35);
mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:plant, 65);

//mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:foodBerry, 65);
//mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:foodFruit, 65);
//mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:foodNut, 65);
//mods.futuremc.Composter.addValidItem(ore:foodVegetable, 65);


It works.


Should I close the issue?


if it works, then i suppose so


I'm broadening the CraftTweaker functions to use all IIngredient, so IOreIngredient and IItemStack should work for the same functions now.