Future MC

Future MC


Advice on bees

sui-ke opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  • About Leaving the Hive:
  • When a bee leaves the Hive, it may suffocate and die.
  • If there are blocks on the front of the beehive and no campfire to collect resources or destroy the beehive, bees will not appear.
  • When collecting pollen:
  • When bees collect pollen, they may slowly slide in one direction.
  • When bees collect pollen, it is suggested that they fly and rotate while doing so, similar to the new MC version, instead of remaining stationary and then stopping their wings. This looks unrealistic, especially when collecting hovering flower blocks.
  • Behavior error:
  • Bees will still come out to collect honey at night, Before collecting pollen, bees will not return to the hive.
  • Pathfinding error:
  • Sometimes, bees will fly up to great heights .
  • Bees won't stray far from water.
  • In a superflat void world, bees will fly into the void and die.
  • When playing on a skyblock, sometimes bees' Y-axis will significantly decrease and they won't return to the beehive.
  • If there are blocks below the beehive within a certain range, bees will get stuck below the blocks and won't navigate around them, making it impossible for them to return to the hive.