Missing fire charge sound when lighting campfires.
DesolateIntention opened this issue ยท 0 comments
When a fire charge is used to light a campfire, the typical fire charge "pop" sound effect does not play. Although the campfire is successfully lit by the fire charge upon right-clicking, the sound that would normally accompany a fire charge's use is absent, unlike in vanilla Minecraft where the normal fire charge sound effect is heard.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Place a campfire.
- Put it out with a shovel.
- Equip a fire charge in your hand.
- Right-click the campfire with the fire charge.
Expected Behavior:
The campfire will light and the standard fire charge sound effect should play upon activation.
Actual Behavior:
The campfire lights, but no sound effect is played.
- Minecraft: 1.12.2
- Forge:
- Future MC: Future-MC-0.2.20