Futurepack Mod - Now with flyable Spaceships!

Futurepack Mod - Now with flyable Spaceships!


[MC 1.12.2, FP 26.3.48, Forge] Torus Processors/RAM not stacking

WPaul15 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Torus Processors with the same Cores value don't stack like other processors. The same goes for Torus RAM with the same RAM and Corepower values.


Are you shure, can you provide a video ? I am asking because I cant reproduce this behauvier.


Also a mod list could maybe help.


Well it is unusual they have 3 nbt tags, can you scan the wardrobe with the EScanner and make a video of you slowli scrolling thriu the text ? (or copy the completle Escanner text out of the game log)


Here's the text from the scan of the wardrobe containing the Processors: E-Scanner Log.txt
It looks like the Torus Processors have the NBT tags: core, rambase, and corebase, whereas the TCT and Master-Mind Processors only have a core tag. It looks like two Torus Processors with the same core values aren't stacking because they have different corebase values. The Dungeonheart Processors don't have any tags, which may be because I took them from the laser turrets in a Tech Dungeon; I didn't make them in the Assembly Table.

For reference, here's an image of the contents of the wardrobe:
2018-01-25_12 36 40

Update: This is essentially the same issue for the RAM as well; the Torus RAM have the tags: rambase, corebase, and ram.


Yeah the rambase/corebase values, they exists mainly for recycling to get better parts out of them depending from what they where crafted.