Request regarding Erse flowers/food
b0bst3r opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Would it be possible to add config options to allow pack makers to balance this food with packs.
Atm it breaks into multiple and gives 3 food and is plantable.
Can you consider giving us options please.
Erseplantable = true/false
Erseworldgenned = true/false
Erserarity = make a scale having only once in 20 chunks as the rarist would suit my needs
Ersefood = 1 (how much food restoration it gives)
Having Erse drop something non-edible which is later craftable by FP machines is another probably less brutal approach?
I'd be quite happy if you changed the default food to restoring half a food bar (instead of 3) such is the commonality of the food.
OK removing the plantability dynamicly is hard without breaking other mods, but the generation and foot options should be possible