[v.26.3.76] Researcher / Blueprints Fail for Pipes - unable to progress
wideblaze opened this issue ยท 15 comments
I'm unable to progress research tree due to apparent bugs with researcher and pipes
Research Blueprint Neon Pipe - Needed Resources Normal Pipe
Placed in researcher asks for 8 Normal Pipe
Added 8 normal pipe - input shows redbox / does not process -
Research Blueprint Redstone Pipe - Needed Resources Redstone, tile.pipe_32767.name
Placed in researcher asks for 8 redstone dust, 2 tile.pipe_32767 (also shows no-render checkerboard tile)
No such item tile.pipe_32767
Same problem here, for pipes and energy module that takes 8 wires to research. using the version Futurepack-1.12.2-26.3.78 that was linked in a similar issue thread, still same problem.
No, the version .78 you posted in #360 does not help.
@phrostt in single or in multiplayer ?
Can you try this version: 26.3.88
Still does not work. I added futurepack to all the mods 3, so there is a lot of mods present. It shows a red box around even when I put in the correct item.
New version: 26.3.93
Also the stacksize bug should be fixed: 26.3.97
Had the same problem with research for Renewable Energy not accepting 16 Cable in .76 and .88. Just updated to 26.3.93 and the research completed, except it only consumed 1 Cable and 1 Normal Pipe (out of 4).
Research for Water Cooler and Upgraded AI-Memory correctly consumed all items (assuming they are meant to consume the Water Bucket without returning an empty Bucket).