Loottables are buggy so spaceship#0 gets generated
ProsperCraft opened this issue ยท 7 comments
When you click a block like a block of iron with the replicator, if you do this several times fast, it dupes the block 4-5 times.
If it is fp:spaceship with meta 0, then it is a debug item, wich can crash worlds, destroy buildings and is absolut evil. If yor home/ship/world gets deleted/moved/transported to another dimension/turned upside down/rotaated then this is not my fault.
wow, I should add this as safety disclaimer to the tooltip of the item.
yeah this item should be called "vanillas lootables are bugy as hell". Because sometimes they can not set the item damge (no one knows why) so this item ends up the loot chests. You should not be able to get this item, as most of the debug features end up in this item.
My players are still getting these after the world reset...