[Issue] Holograms after the new update
DigitalSketch opened this issue ยท 13 comments
Updating to 26.3.115 to fix the dye tanks caused the holograms to go away. It looks like it's only happening with redstone cables.
Forge version I have loaded is
no, the holograms seem to be an issue, just tried it on a normal cable too and it crashed the game as well.
Here is the crash report if it helps: https://pastebin.com/BpsEHUhC
ok Interesting the last version you had should nto crash, can you try to run with only futurepack?, SOmeof the coremods is maybe breaking it.
Using just the Futurepack mod, it seems to work, not sure what other mod is conflicting with it.
puBulkData, is quite new and was added thorugh a PR from me, maybe a coremode is renaming it or patching it out.
No idea what that is :) but hope I'm helping! I like the new cable textures by the way.
It works! I did get a message saying I should upgrade to Forge .2616 but I'm running .2618.
Thanks and well done!