Feature Request - Please add a config to disable spawner chest
ProsperCraft opened this issue ยท 13 comments
I don't want spawners moved on my server, so I have blocks that move them disabled, would you please add a config option to disable the spawner chest, or its ability to move spawners?
I believe the default meta from crafttweaker is 0, but even changing all the items to have :0 didn't make a difference.
Ok I added the config, but a test build will take time, because we currently rewrite alot of our researches to prevent the "EScanner recipes differenrs from aktual recipe" issue.
In the mean time you can try to use crafttweaker to remove the assembly recipe (if that is possible)
We tried but it wouldn't cooperate, I think Rev said it had something to do with the fact that it wasn't a crafting table recipe or something.
I tried to remove the spawner chest with crafttweaker, but with this script it is still craftable.
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
val array1 = [<minecraft:chest>] as IItemStack[];
I also tried the other two items as the "input item", and it still didn't work.
try "minecraft:slime_ball", minecraft:chest and fp:chip, meta 0. The order is important.
I changed it, but it still doesn't work.
import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
val array1 = [<minecraft:slime_ball>, <minecraft:chest>, <fp:chip:0>] as IItemStack[];
does the log print something ? because if the recipe exist in will get deleted, how to you check if it does work ?
I don't see anything in the logs and crafttweaker doesn't report any syntax errors. I've been testing by just logging into a single player world and trying the recipe again.
hmm maybe try to add to the slime_ball and chest a :0, I dont know what the default meta from crafttweaker is.
Ok it is now stable enough for you to test (the research rewrite) 26.3.137