Is this a problem?[FP-ChunkScanner/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:1052]: at futurepack.common.FPChunkScanner.progressAll(
ProsperCraft opened this issue ยท 10 comments
I am getting a lot of these while pregenning our new world.
Could yu check the log if it still is sending error messages: 26.3.183
SOmething like "ChunkScanner: Lost 4 chunks due to broken LinkedList"
Somehow the LinkedList completly broke, or somemod is ASM my classes. I do a check in the line above so there is in theorie not way the list is not em pty but the first element is null...
It looks cleaner, I did happen to look when it said this though.
We did have one of those you were looking for
I wiped my pregenning world, put this version in, and starting pregen over, will inform.
Please test if it still works: 26.3.186