Need help with custom research
davqvist opened this issue · 17 comments
I want to add custom research to my pack and reading the wiki entry about it, but I can't get it to work.
Here is my script which I changed a bit from your example:
This is the CraftTweaker Error I am getting:
fp.zs only has mods.futurepack.research.addResearchFile("scripts/fp/example.json");
for now.
Can you maybe give a working example that I can try? I also don't know the syntax of "need" tag, especially when I want to require multiples of an item. Much appreciated if you can help me with that. (Btw, you don't have a discord or something where we can correspond better?)
When does this scipt get executed ? Your example looks fine it should work. the needd tag is a simple JSON array. you can look at our research.json inside the Jar to see some examples.
Long story short: somehow your script gets executed before the research system was fully initialisated, try to post pond the execution fo your script and it should work.
When it does get executed? I don't know. I am not in control of when it does get executed. Whenever Crafttweaker does its thing I suppose. Can I control that somehow? I am not aware of anything.
According to the log, it got executed very early when also vanilla recipes got loaded. I know from other people, it is possible to execute the scrips at world load. I am myself not familiar with Crafttweaker so I can not proide much help.
As far I can see CraftTweaker exceutes the scripts during RecipeEvent which is in init. I don't think that can be changed. Any ideas?
After digging around 1.12 made alot of things more complicated for crafttweaker, thats why their scripts are now executet at preinit.
THe researches need to get loaded this late because all the items have to be present and the are made at preInit.
@jaredlll08 do you have an idea for this? Or will the best solution be a quee where I will handle the adding at the right time?
Just store your IActions in a list, and then iterate the list and apply later, we do it for recipes to ensure we get all of them
public class ResearchBridge
public static void addResearches(InputStream in)
ResearchLoader.instance.addResearchesFromReader(new InputStreamReader(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
public static void addResearchFile(String s)
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(s));
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
catch (IOException e)
Currently it works like this. When should I use an IAction? And can I time the exact execution of the IAction. I personaly think as this is a bridge I provide (and also have an own log)it should go into my mods log (if it fails).
IAction in the @ZenMethod
You can just add then to a list, and apply them at a later stage
As I optimise and bake the researches the IActions are not realy suited for my purposes. But I willl keep them in mind.
@davqvist did it work? or do you have not tested it yet?
I have not tested yet because the modpack is released and I don't plan to add big changes like that to the pack, sorry.