Scanner Block is not displaying all aspects
mcenderdragon opened this issue ยท 27 comments
THis results in a complet reserch stop. The button is not pushable.
This happnes on towncraft. @ProsperCraft, if you have time, please send me the server logs.
Here are some logs, hope it helps.
26.3.266 This should fix the problem, but please check.
@ProsperCraft I have indentified the cause: some other mod is disbaling the 9th button of this gui and thats this apsect button. The only thing I can do is to enable alll button each tick. It would be nice if you could check all gui modifiing mods if they are causing this issue. (best starting with coremods)
I have testet it :) It works for me....big thx for the fast checking, reaction on the Forum and fot the fast fix! :)
Ok so its indeed the visibility field. I wonder which mod is deactivating the button...
@Darianna77 With the old version or with the newer one ?
I have created an issue at their issue tracker, but I am not sure if its only toastcontrol which is causing this.
I have only can make a short test....put the normal futurepack back in...disable toastcontrol and load my game....ant button was back...all seems fine
toast control has no listeners to gui events, nor does it touch the isVisible field of buttons anywhere.
@ProsperCraft is this mod present? https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/no-recipe-book
Or a similar mod, it may not be this one explicitly, but I remember asie mentioning one of the mods that does this doesn't check properly.
with only Futurepack and no-recipe-book this does not occur. Also by adding placebo & toastcontrol and cant reproduce this.
@Shadows-of-Fire Yes, as I stated previously.
Which means its probably whatever mod that is trying to remove the recipe book button badly, however FastWorkbench removes it properly, so any other mod claiming to do that can safely be removed.
thanks @Shadows-of-Fire for helping :)