Futurepack Mod - Now with flyable Spaceships!

Futurepack Mod - Now with flyable Spaceships!


The Stöpsel causing the client to hang on ship teleport

qrss opened this issue · 21 comments


Version: 26.3.461

After adding a Stöpsel to some machinery on my ship, the client started to quite often hang on ship teleport (within a dimension). The hang seems to happen after the teleport. After restarting the client, I can connect to the server again, and everything seems fine. I'm guessing this does nothing to the server.

The can even happen when the Stöpsel is just sitting between empty Wardrobes. When the Stöpsel block is removed from the ship, the teleporting works without issues.

Since the client hangs, but does not crash, the logs don't contain anything informative, unless I'm not looking at the right logs.


so like a frame takes way longer then it should nomaly do?


No, the client complely stops responding and needs to be closed.


It completly stops and does not work again even after a few secinds/minuits?


Well, I did not wait more than 5 minutes, but I can test for longer.


no 5 minuts is enough. It did crash but somewhere silently :/ does the debug.log and the FP latest log show any hints ?


Not really.

The end of debug.log just contains

[19:29:56] [Client thread/INFO] [Futurepack]: Send Research Request to Server
[19:29:56] [Client thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] chat.spaceship.GO
[19:29:56] [Netty Client IO #1/INFO] [Futurepack]: Get Research Data from Server

again and again, while the end of FP-Latest.log contains

[19:29:56][Client thread] Send Research Request to Server
[19:29:56][Netty Client IO #1] Get Research Data from Server

again and again


even while the client hangs ?


The logs contain that after the client is closed after is stops responding.


that is strange...


I was not able to reproduce this in single player in debug. Maybe a server issue.


Well, you can get on the server with me with debug and see if it happens to both of us when I teleport, or just me.


I did not happen to my client at the same version as on the server in singleplayer. Lets test it on out server.


You just disappered/got a timeout and nothing happened to me. We are still in the overworld and nothing got tiggered server side it seems.


The crash does happen on in world teleportation.


I did the in world teleport and it still happened to you, di yiu have OPtifine or any other mods installed ?


client ruckler

I could reproduce it in mutliplayer. This is where the client currently is.


client ruckler 2
func_152343_a => addScheduledTask
func_147585_a => markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate


OK yeag basicly the client dead locks itself while waiting for Thread sync events. THese crashes should be very unlikly but apprently there are cases where you can reproduce them.


It is weird though that the Stöpsel is somehow causing this. It has never happened without that block on the ship. It must be doing something differently than other blocks.


It is mainly a timing and amount error, I guess if you have more intependend pipe / wire systems the same crash could happen.


This should be fixed in 26.3.473. But sideeffects may occur; time will tell ^^