Futurepack Mod - Now with flyable Spaceships!

Futurepack Mod - Now with flyable Spaceships!


you can choose the power of your chipsets/RAM/CPU cores if you already own the type of chip you want.

tacct6 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


sorry if the title is confusing, I'll do my best to explain it here:
normally when creating circuits the power is completely random, however, lets say I got lucky and got an industrial chipset with 1.8 chippower, if I hold that item with my mouse, and then spam click the assembly table with the ingredient to make more industrial chipsets inside of it, it will only allow me to pick up chipsets that match the power of the one in my mouse (because they stack).

If that's still too confusing, here's some pictures of what I mean:
^in the image above i have a 1.6 power logic chipset

I am now spam clicking the assembly table while holding the 1.6 power logic chipset

whenever the RNG decided I should have a 1.6 chipset, it stacked with my already existing one to create another chipset with the exact specs that I wanted


This bug is known, and I let it there in purpose as a "they where smart enough to notice this". The only way to fix this would be to not make them stackable. And myself included would probaply get annoyed by this pretty quickly, as all the chest where just flooded with components.


perhaps if the assembly machine worked more like a furnace, where inputting the 3 items needed started "fabricating" the circuits, you could have true RNG while still having circuits of the same type to be stackable. Or even something simple like a "fabricate" button that you press to create the circuit could work as long as the output slot in the machine doesn't stack.

though if you prefer it as a hidden feature then the issue can be closed, I'm just sharing ideas that don't seem like it'd be too hard to do