[1.15.2-20.0.1] the Mining drone stops mining and moves erratically
Yirok42 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
[1.15.2-20.0.1] I placed the mining drone receiver (I forgot the name of the block and I have already closed my session) in my lab, the zone transmitter about 30 blocks away, and the miner on the receiver. I defined a claim just below the zone transmitter about 15 by 15 from about 5 to 1 to pick up the items between the bedrock. It pulled about 9 cobblestones (stone) up and then stopped mining. I thought it hit lava or water and stopped but when I dug out part of the claim, the miner was moving not on the x or z axis but sort of back and forth across the screen. I picked it up with the scrench and tried again. I used a smaller claim closer to the receiver but got the same results. It starts just passing through blocks mining nothing and it is difficult to click on to reset. I did this a few times, until it started mining about 15 blocks away from the claim, thank fully i saw it in the ceiling of my lab before it disappeared. I have no idea where that one went.
So I made another, and tried it again on the small claim but it is just too erratic. I have had claims near bedrock in 1.14.2 without issue. The only other difference I am aware of is I have not yet setup the hopper under the receiver but as it has only picked about 60 items before I had to stop it, I am not sure if that would matter.
We also had these issues in 1.14 and dont know why. Sometimes it works flawlessly and sometimes it just dances and spins like crazy.
How do I get the latest "dev"? I see that an issue was reported for the Forest Drone against version 20.1.0. I am using 20.0.2. I don't use the Forest Drone because I never need that many logs but I would like to have a functioning Mining Drone, if it is available.
the 20.1.0 is avialable at curse https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/futurepack/files/3023333