Futurepack Mod - Now with flyable Spaceships!

Futurepack Mod - Now with flyable Spaceships!


[1.16.4] Battery box consumes energy, but does not fill the buffer

qrss opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Forge version: 35.1.28
Futurepack version: 21.0.3

If you connect a Battery Box to an NE generator, then NE flows into the Battery Box, but all that NE just disappears without filling the buffer.


DOnt worry its fine. Better to much reports as to little and everyone knoews about it but nobody tells the author.


I cannot reproduce this, did you check with a logistic editor if the sides were correctly configured?


Oh dear, I'm really sorry, you are right. The sides were configured as output by default and I didn't think to check with a logistics editor.

Even more stupidly, the generator was next to another consumer, which is why I thought the energy was draining (I can't believe I did not notice that).

However, the sides of the Battery Box should not be set to output be default, at least if the documentation is to be believed:
2020-12-31_12 15 56


the default conbfig is now everythign is outout but the top is input, I ghave no idea which is betetr but considering that in the past + in the documentation its different I will fix that.


Well, either is fine, as long as documentation agrees with the actual defaults.

I think I recall being confused about the batbox a few years back when I last played Futurepack, but I've forgotten about the logistics editor. Sorry again.