Small suggestions (loottable not found, logspam, and ravine carving)
TelepathicGrunt opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Just some small things I noticed from using Futurepack. The first is that the loottables for a tec dungeon was not found. In the following log at line 382, you can see that Blame detected that some loottables were tried to be obtained that did not exist. Usually I find this is because the loottable name has a typo. I accidently do this myself lol. But yeah, seems to be occurring in DungeonChest.genLoot. Loottables attempted to be found were futurepack:chests/tec_dungeon_0 and futurepack:chests/tec_dungeon_escanner_0
I also noticed in the log a ton of spam from a logger in but I think this is probably just part of the experimental jar you gave so ignore this part of my report if you already knew about this lol.
The third thing is in the Tyros dimension, ravines will carve but leave futurepack:grass_t blocks floating.
If this is intentional, ignore me then lol. If not and you are having trouble fixing this, the good news is it isn't that bad to fix. A quick fix is in FMLCommonSetup, grab the carvers you want from ForgeRegistries.WORLD_CARVERS. Then using reflection, AccessTransformer, or an accessor mixin, copy carvableBlocks into a new set, add your block, and then set that field to your new set of blocks. Now the ravine and caves will carve away your blocks you want them to carve.
I hope this helps! And nice mod you got! It's pretty cool
I came to report this as well -
und a Loot Table path that does not exist: futurepack:chests/tec_dungeon_0
Actually that is kind of intensional and is my own class. Its a boolean causing the raving to try to close the top layer again, but when its to steep it fails. It flat regions it causes ineresting things as you mine 1 grtass block and then there is just a huge hole under it ending with a lava ocean.