[1.16.5 - 31.1.8229] Aribrush deletes Tank when empty
Wugand opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Version 31.1.8229 (2396c9ca70cdcdd3e98f855605a86ae0bc473277)
Empty LackTank of Airbrush is not replaced by empty tank when going empty on usage.
futurepack.common.item.misc.ItemLackTank (setDamage)
DirtyHacks.replaceData works and ItemStack is overridden
net.minecraft.item.ItemStack (attemptDamageItem:332)
setDamage is invoked in 332 and stack content is changed
but: l (new damage amount) is calculated before in 331
return value is determined by l >= this.getMaxDamage() and since MiscItems.lack_tank_empty is not damageable this will always be true (means "item destroyed")
net.minecraft.item.ItemStack (damageItem :341)
calls this.shrink(1); and destroys the Empty Tank
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- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
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