Crash while rocketjumping
Maexel12 opened this issue ยท 9 comments
**Crash while entering Menelaos **
I wanted to revisit Menelaos, after starting the rocket to "jump" to menelaos, the screen turned "blackish" for 10 seconds. After that i crashed. The server stayed on, while i crash with an null pointer exception.
My friends also crash with the same error.
To Reproduce
I can't repoduce, because the client crashes while entering the server.
https://pastebin.com/2Bt8Jw2h crash-2021-06-08_00.24.32-client
https://pastebin.com/SQbxdFD9 crash-2021-06-08_00.36.03-client
https://pastebin.com/wU5pgzUC FP-Latest
latest.log latest
Try o update you jav version, you are on 1.8.0_51 this version is known for these kind of problems
I updated the version, still doesnt work.
---Client Files---
crash - https://pastebin.com/Yr82J45E
---Server Files---
crash- https://pastebin.com/NLTb3Xu9
serverFP-Latest - https://pastebin.com/p515QTXR
also try if this version fixes it: http://redsnake-games.de/maven/redsnakegames/mcenderdragon/futurepack/1.16.4-31.2.6837/futurepack-1.16.4-31.2.6837.jar
heya, i now looked in the server crash, thanks for telling me - just thought about the jumping must be cause of FP. but that does not explain why the client crashes. I tried the new FP Modfile - didnt work same errors.
I tried even more. I deleted the regions of menelaos that the server can make a new one. I removed everything out of the rocket that wasnt from futurepack but yeah the planets are now unachievable...
Any tips?
the crash is cuased by the sky rendering failing. If it crashes again can you please include the new crash report?
Just wanted to add... it must be something with the world itself - i tried to /execute in futurepack:menelaus run tp @p 0 240 0 and it still crashes.
newest crash - https://pastebin.com/2f4rf22b
The crash also happens with an completly new world.