[1.18] Breaking a futurepack device in Creative Mode drops the device
qrss opened this issue ยท 5 comments
You would expect a creative mode punch to destory any block without dropping anything, but futurepack devices (like generator, researcher and so on) drop the block when broken on creative.
Minecraft Version: 1.18
Forge Version: 40.0.36
Futurepack Version: 33.0.7227
I have noticed this behavior about FP items as far back as I can remember. I never considered that this was contrary to the behavior of non-FP items. I did not try this on every version but back when I was investigating use of multiple ion and calc modules.
In my opinion, anything complicated like FP machines (not all FP blocks) should drop the item, but I could be alone in that wish.
I don't know how to reply so I'm editing this. qrss is right.
Well, you can always copy blocks with all of their NBT data using Control + Middle click, but I guess that doesn't protect against accidentally destroying stuff.